Events Upcoming EventsJanuary 2025Jan062025Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMFebruary 2025Feb032025Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMMarch 2025Mar032025Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMApril 2025Apr072025Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMMay 2025May052025Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMJune 2025Jun022025Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMJuly 2025Jul072025Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMPast EventsJanuary 2025Jan022025Laker Rep Teams Night of Fun5:30PM - 7:00PMDecember 2024Dec022024Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMNovember 2024Nov042024Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMSeptember 2024Sep052024Coaches Meeting followed by Board Meeting -Meeting Room Rotary Place6:00PM - 9:00PMAugust 2024Aug062024Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMJune 2024Jun242024Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMJun172024Orillia Lakers Annual General Meeting7:30PM - 8:30PMJun172024Coach Appreciation Night6:00PM - 7:30PMMay 2024May272024Laker Banquet - Barnfield Recreation Centre5:30PM - 8:30PMMay062024Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:30PM - 9:00PMApril 2024Apr012024Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMMarch 2024Mar042024Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMFebruary 2024Feb212024Photo Night: Wednesday, February 21st5:30PM - 9:00PMFeb052024Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMJanuary 2024Jan082024Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMDecember 2023Dec042023Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMNovember 2023Nov132023Board Meeting - Meeting Room at Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMSeptember 2023Sep102023Tryouts Start9:30AM - 5:00PMSep052023Coaches Meeting & Board Meeting - Multi-Purpose Room ORC7:00PM - 9:00PMAugust 2023Aug312023Tryout Registration Price Increase11:55PM - 11:55PMAug232023Girls Prep for Rep Start Date5:30PM - 10:00PMAug222023Boys Prep for Rep Start Date5:30PM - 10:00PMAug172023Prep for Rep Registration Deadline11:55PM - 11:55PMAug082023Board Meeting - Multi-Purpose Room ORC7:00PM - 9:00PMJuly 2023Jul242023Orillia Lakers Annual General Meeting7:00PM - 9:00PMJul242023Orillia Lakers Coaches Appreciation Night6:00PM - 7:00PMJune 2023Jun122023Board Meeting - Rotary Place - Meeting Room7:00PM - 9:00PMJun052023Laker Banquet5:30PM - 8:30PMMay 2023May012023Board Meeting - Rotary Place - Meeting Room7:00PM - 9:00PMApril 2023Apr032023Board Meeting - Rotary Place - Meeting Room7:00PM - 9:00PMMarch 2023Mar062023Board Meeting - Rotary Place - Tournament Room7:00PM - 9:00PMFebruary 2023Feb152023Team Photo Night4:30PM - 9:00PMFeb062023Board Meeting - Rotary Place - Meeting Room7:00PM - 9:00PMJanuary 2023Jan092023Board Meeting - Rotary Place - Meeting Room7:00PM - 9:00PMDecember 2022Dec052022Board Meeting - Rotary Place - Meeting Room7:00PM - 9:00PMNovember 2022Nov072022Board Meeting - Rotary Place - Meeting Room7:00PM - 9:00PMOctober 2022Oct132022Board Meeting - Rotary Place - Meeting Room7:00PM - 9:00PMSeptember 2022Sep062022Board Meeting - Rotary Place - Tournament Room7:00PM - 9:00PMAugust 2022Aug052022Coach Application Deadline12:00PM - 12:00PMAug0220222022/23 Registration Opens-Aug022022Board Meeting - ORC Multi-Purpose Room7:00PM - 9:00PMAug012022Scholarship Application Deadline12:00PM - 12:00PMJuly 2022Jul112022Orillia Lakers AGM scheduled for Monday July 11, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at Kelsey's.6:30PM - 9:00PMApril 2022Apr1420223 V 3 LeagueJuly 2021Jul262021Annual General Meeting6:30PM - 10:00PMJune 2020Jun022020Senior Awards Banquet6:30PM - 10:00PMMay 2020May212020Board meeting and Coaches Appreciation6:30PM - 10:00PMMay042020Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:30PMApril 2020Apr282020Junior Awards Banquet6:30PM - 10:00PMApr072020Jr Lakers begins6:00PM - 8:00PMApr062020Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:30PMMarch 2020Mar022020Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:30PMFebruary 2020Feb232020Peak Sunday Make-up8:00AM - 10:30AMFeb092020Peak Sunday #38:00AM - 1:30PMFeb062020Photo Night at Patrick Fogarty6:30PM - 10:00PMFeb032020Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:30PMJanuary 2020Jan262020Peak Sunday #28:00AM - 3:30PMJan062020Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:30PMDecember 2019Dec022019Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:30PMNovember 2019Nov142019Tip Off Night at Patrick Fogarty7:00PM - 10:00PMNov042019Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:30PMOctober 2019Oct272019Peak Performance Starting Date - Major Atom to Junior Ages8:00AM - 3:30PMOct072019Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:30PMSeptember 2019Sep262019House league (grade 3 & 4) begins6:30PM - 8:00PMSep042019Coaches Meeting6:30PM - 8:30PMSep032019Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:30PMJuly 2019Jul242019Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:30PMJul172019Coaching Applications Deadline11:50PM - 11:55PMJune 2019Jun132019Annual General Meeting6:30PM - 10:00PMJun122019Senior Awards Banquet at O.S.S.6:30PM - 10:00PMMay 2019May292019Board meeting - TBD6:30PM - 8:30PMMay212019Coaches Appreciation - Studabaker's7:30PM - 10:00PMMay062019Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:30PMApril 2019Apr302019Junior Awards Banquet6:30PM - 10:00PMApr092019Jr Lakers begins6:00PM - 8:00PMApr012019Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:30PMMarch 2019Mar042019Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:00PMFebruary 2019Feb072019Photo Night at Patrick Fogarty6:20PM - 10:00PMFeb042019Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:00PMJanuary 2019Jan242019House league (grade 5, 6 & 7) - Orillia Secondary School6:30PM - 8:00PMJan072019Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:00PMDecember 2018Dec032018Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:30PMNovember 2018Nov152018Tip Off Night at OSS6:30PM - 10:00PMNov052018Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:00PMOctober 2018Oct012018Board meeting - Barnfield Point6:30PM - 8:00PMSeptember 2018Sep272018House league (grade 3 & 4)6:30PM - 8:10PMSep102018Coaches Meeting - Monsignor Lee Catholic School6:00PM - 8:00PMSep042018Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMJune 2018Jun112018Annual General Meeting6:30PM - 10:00PMJun042018Awards Banquet - Major Bantam to Junior6:30PM - 10:00PMMay 2018May242018Coaches Appreciation Night and Board Meeting at Kelseys6:00PM - 10:00PMMay072018Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMApril 2018Apr242018Awards Banquet - Novice to Bantam6:30PM - 10:00PMApr032018Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMMarch 2018Mar052018Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMFebruary 2018Feb082018Photo Night - Patrick Fogarty6:30PM - 10:00PMFeb052018Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMJanuary 2018Jan022018Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMDecember 2017Dec212017Spirit Wear Pickup7:00PM - 9:00PMDec042017Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMNovember 2017Nov232017Tip Off Night at OSS7:00PM - 10:00PMNov062017Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMOctober 2017Oct222017House League Coaches Clinic with Coach O - OSS Small Gym3:30PM - 6:30PMOct152017Rep Uniform Sizing at OSS3:00AM - 7:00PMOct142017Peak Performance Open House8:00AM - 10:00AMOct022017Board Meeting - Brian Orser Arena6:30PM - 8:30PMSeptember 2017Sep282017House League Program Starts6:30PM - 8:00PMSep072017Coaches Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMSep052017Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMSep012017Rep Tryout Fees Increase from $10 to $259:00AM - 9:00PMAugust 2017Aug082017Online Registration for HL Programs and Rep Tryout Starts9:00AM - 9:00PMJuly 2017Jul242017Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMJul172017Coach Application Deadline12:00PM - 12:00PMJune 2017Jun122017Annual General Meeting - Kelseys in the Sam Brown Room6:30PM - 9:30PMJun052017Awards Banquet - Orillia Secondary School Cafetorium6:30PM - 10:00PMMay 2017May242017Coaches Appreciation Night and Board Meeting - Kelseys6:00PM - 9:30PMMay012017Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMApril 2017Apr032017Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMMarch 2017Mar062017Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMFebruary 2017Feb092017Picture Night at Patrick Fogarty Schedule - Form links attached6:30PM - 10:00PMFeb062017Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMJanuary 2017Jan112017Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMDecember 2016Dec052016Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMNovember 2016Nov172016Tip Off on Thursday at OSS6:30PM - 8:30PMNov072016Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMOctober 2016Oct032016Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMSeptember 2016Sep062016Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMJuly 2016Jul252016Board Meeting - Rotary Place7:15PM - 9:15PMJul182016Coaches Applications deadline11:55PM - 11:55PMJune 2016Jun222016Coaches Applications now being accepted12:00AM - 12:00AMJun202016Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMJun132016AGM - Brewery Bay6:30PM - 10:00PMJun062016Awards Banquet - Twin Lakes SS6:00PM - 10:00PMMay 2016May312016Board Meeting and Coaches Appreciation - Kelsey's6:30PM - 10:00PMMay022016Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMApril 2016Apr042016Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMMarch 2016Mar072016Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMFebruary 2016Feb112016Two Ball and Picture Night - Patrick Fogarty SS7:00PM - 10:00PMFeb012016Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMJanuary 2016Jan092016Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMDecember 2015Dec182015Spirit Wear Pick Up - OSS6:00PM - 8:00PMDec072015Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMNovember 2015Nov202015Tip Off at OSS6:30PM - 8:30PMNov022015Lakers Board Meeting/Concussion Information Session - Rotary Place6:30PM - 9:00PMOctober 2015Oct052015Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMSeptember 2015Sep082015Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMJuly 2015Jul272015Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMJune 2015Jun152015Annual General Meeting at Brewery Bay7:00PM - 9:00PMJun082015Lakers Annual Banquet - Twin Lakes SS6:30PM - 10:00PMJun032015Coaches Meeting/Appreciation evening at Kelseys7:00PM - 10:00PMMay 2015May042015Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMApril 2015Apr072015Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMMarch 2015Mar022015Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMFebruary 2015Feb142015Lakers Coaches Evaluation Day9:00AM - 6:00PMFeb132015Two Ball - OD/Park6:30PM - 10:00PMFeb022015Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMJanuary 2015Jan052015Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMDecember 2014Dec012014Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMNovember 2014Nov212014Tip Off - OD/Park7:00PM - 9:00PMNov032014Coaches Meeting - Rotary Place7:00PM - 9:00PMNov032014Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:00PM - 7:00PMOctober 2014Oct062014Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMSeptember 2014Sep182014House League Coach Training Night6:00PM - 8:00PMSep022014Lakers Board Meeting - Rotary Place6:30PM - 8:30PMAugust 2014Aug3020142014 Fall/Winter Leisure Fair10:00AM - 4:00PMAug152014Rep Try Out Registration Begins Grade 6,7,8 House League-Starts Thursday Dec 5th at 5:30 PM Orillia Rec Centrego House League Basketball-Boys Grades 1&2 and Boys Grade 6,7,8 is Full..There is space in Girls programsgo News ArticleThere is no news article to display. News ArticleThere is no news article to display.
House League Basketball-Boys Grades 1&2 and Boys Grade 6,7,8 is Full..There is space in Girls programsgo