Coaches Corner
At the beginning of a season, there are a lot of things to remember.
As far as being involved in the OYBA, here are some specific things for a Coach to keep in mind:
- You should plan to attend the Coaches meeting (more information to follow). If you are unable to attend this meeting, you need to contact to ensure you receive your “coaching package” and other important information.
- From the Registrar, you will receive a list of players who are trying out for your team.
- If you do not already have a GoalLine account (allowing you to utilize the Lakers website), you need to contact to have the account associated with the team.
- Ensure your training obligations are met - in order to coach Novice and Atom teams, you must have Learn to Train or be willing to get it by the end of the season. To coach Bantam teams or higher, you must have Train to Train or have Learn to Train and be willing to get Train to Train by the end of the season. Contact for more information.
- Once your team has been selected, you must advise the Executives who you would like your Assistant Coaches to be. After approval, contact details for your one or two Assistant Coaches need to be shared with the Registrar.
- If you are the coach of Bantam to Junior aged teams, you must ensure your assistant coach(es) have or plan to get Train to Train training (they are required to take the clinic, but do not need to be certified) and Learn to Train certifications. Contact for more information.
- After your team has been selected, let the Registrar know who your Team Manager and/or Trainer will be for the season (if you choose to have these positions on your team).
- After your team has been selected, let the Registrar and Treasurer know what level of play your team you'd like them registered for in OBA.
- After your team has been selected, you should inform both the Registrar and Treasurer if your team plans to participate in OBL (Ontario Basketball League) and what OBL level your team was registered for the year before (if known).
- Once you have selected your team and assistants, and your players have completed registration, a printed team roster is given to you. This must be signed and returned to the Registrar ASAP. In fact, signed rosters are to be completed and returned in advance of Christmas Break unless there are unusual circumstances such as a late-made team.
- Provide regular write-ups and photos to the Manager of Public Relations so that your team’s successes and efforts can be published in the local newspaper. Follow the appropriate instructions found on the “Files and Forms” page.
- Prior to Provincials, an OBA username/password is emailed to you so that you can enter game results for ranking.
OYBA - Expectations of Coaches:
- Teams will have approximately 12 players, focus on all your players to make sure they enjoy the game, each other and the team experience.
- Teach basketball skills and fundamentals of basketball at all levels and at the appropriate level to help your players improve on their level of play.
- Teach the concepts of teamwork, fair play and leadership.
- Ensure all players enjoy the entire experience through practices, team meetings, games and tournaments.
- Teach through your actions respect for teammates, coaches, other players, officials and fans.
- Take the leadership role of being responsible for your actions and those of your assistant coaches, manager, players and parents. You represent OYBA at all times.
- Promote fair play at all times; make every player feel that their contributions make a difference.
- Prepare an agenda for the season with your teaching goals and rough time lines and submit these to the Coaches Liaison.
- Prepare a practice plan for every practice (you will have two practices a week).
- Practices and games will occasionally be monitored through-out the season by the Manager of Coaching/Player Development and/or a Board member.
- Wear the Laker apparel provided for coaching staff when representing OYBA at games and tournaments.
- Promote the Club’s web site.